When is the best time to sell your home? My experience as one of the top agents in the area, having sold in the 100s of Millions in property is this: there are two seasons in the year when you tend to see more of a flurry of activity; the first one is late winter to spring, typically after mid-February or so through the end of May, and the other is Mid-August through the end of October.

It’s not uncommon to hear people say “Don’t list you home over the holidays, or in the summer!” HOWEVER, that said, in my business, December is consistently my busiest month!

My argument is this: there are ALWAYS buyers in the market. With a property marketing and pricing strategy, buyers will come. There is also something to be said about the idea that in the “slower times” of the year, there is less inventory and therefore less competition for your home as well so it isn’t necessarily bad to put your house on the market in November, for example. It is also a perfect time to give your home a holiday feeling!

Ultimately, what sells your home is how it’s positioned in the market at that time!